Saturday, January 21, 2012

Thundershirt Review - Update 2/8/12

My dog Seymour was more stressed than ever with the fireworks on New Years Eve. He shook and tried to hide but couldn't find a place to go. I could not calm him down. After that, when he heard something like a car backfire, he would go into his shaking and hiding routine again. A friend told me about the Thundershirt. I found one on Amazon and purchased it. Seymour is about 6 1/2 pounds and I got the X Small and it fits well.

I did have to look at the pictured instructions to be sure I got it on right, but once I figured it out, I could do it again easily. The next time he heard a pop noise that got him shaking, I put the shirt on him. He laid down but didn't look relaxed. We have used it a few times since and he got more and more comfortable and less stressed each time he wore it. It is almost like a cumulative effect on him. We haven't had a bad storm yet - this is Texas, home of the hottest 2011 ever - but I am actually looking forward to seeing how it works for him. I'm not sure why my pictures are so small but the first is the package the shirt came in and the one below is Seymour relaxing in his shirt. I will update when we have a real reason to use the shirt. So far, I am glad I purchased it.

Update - We finally had a big storm and Seymour was put in his Tundershirt. He continued to shake and was stressed so I held him. He slowly quieted down a little. I would say that the shirt helped him get about 20% calmer than he would have been without the shirt. I will continue using it as we (hopefully) get more storms to see if it starts calming him more.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Saturday, January 14, 2012

New Rules for Traveling to the UK with a Pet as of 01/2012

Below is a summary of the new rules for bringing a pet to the UK. Unfortunately, they still haven't let up on the part about a pet having to travel as cargo. It appears that they added "Tapeworm Treatment" to their list that Italy did not require. Having just been to Italy, I have to say that my stress and my dog's stress levels were greatly reduced because he was traveling in a crate under my seat. So, I guess the UK is not on our travel plans for now.

From 1 January 2012 all pet dogs, cats and ferrets (including guide and hearing dogs) can enter or re-enter the UK from any country in the world without quarantine provided they meet the rules of the scheme, which will be different depending on the country or territory the pet is coming from.

Preparing your dog, cat or ferret when traveling from the USA:
• Step 1 – Have your pet microchipped – Before any of the other procedures for pet travel are carried out, your pet must be fitted with a microchip so it can be properly identified.
• Step 2 – Have your pet vaccinated – After the microchip has been fitted your pet must be vaccinated against rabies. There is no exemption to this requirement, even if your pet has a current rabies vaccination. Rabies boosters must be kept up to date. The length of the waiting period before entry to the UK is 21 days after the first vaccination date. A waiting period is not required for subsequent entries into the UK, provided rabies boosters are kept up to date. If the vaccination is in two parts the 21 day wait will be from the date of the second vaccination.
• Step 3 – Get pet travel documentation – For animals being prepared in an EU country, you should get an EU pet passport. If you are preparing your animal in a non-EU listed country or territory you will need to obtain an official third country veterinary certificate (apart from Croatia, Gibraltar, Norway, San Marino and Switzerland who also issue pet passports).
• Step 4 – Tapeworm treatment – (dogs only): before entering the UK, all pet dogs (including assistance dogs) must be treated for tapeworm. The treatment must be administered by a vet not less than 24 hours and not more than 120 hours (1-5 days) before its scheduled arrival time in the UK. There is no mandatory requirement for tick treatment. No treatment is required for dogs entering the UK from Finland, Ireland or Malta).
• Step 5 – Arrange for your animal to travel with an approved transport company on an authorised route – Your pet must enter the UK from a listed country or territory travelling with an approved transport company on an authorised route.
Approved EU routes and transport companies
The following routes and transport companies may be used to bring pet dogs, cats and ferrets into the UK. On some air routes, registered assistance dogs may travel in the cabin. Other dogs, cats and ferrets will travel as cargo.