Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Artist in Montepulciano

When I was at the market on Sunday I saw an artist who painted watercolors of local scenes. She had a beautiful one of the piazza grande but it was large and I wouldn't be able to carry it. I asked if she could make a small one for me of the well where use my computer to be able to get public wifi. She agreed and I gave her the money - 35 euro - and the address of my school. I saw that she had already started working on it when I went back later in the day.

Yesterday she dropped it off at the school. Her name is Ellena Contini. Here is a photo of her painting. It will be a perfect memory.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. That is going to be a great addition to your house. It is so well done and will be a great remembrance! Sharon

  2. What an awesome keepsake! I love it! Did she speak English, or did you ask her for it in Italiano?

  3. There was another person who came to interpret but I went to google translate and wrote her a note saying I would pay her ahead of time if she could drop it off at the school. That worked. How I wish I had wifi access at Foirella's house so we could talk!

  4. Me, too! But at least you have a fan. :)
