Saturday, November 26, 2011

Rome - Trastevere Quarter

Today we ventured to the Trastevere Quarter or also called the "left bank" where the locals hang out. Of course, the tourists have also found it. It is a quaint area of Rome with small streets filled with bars and shops. This is my kind of place. It's like a small town within Rome.

Here are a couple of the streets with shops:

The statues:

I liked these Christmas decorations:

A few of the buildings and churches:

This is just one wall of a church I went it - another beautifully decorated interior

It looked like there was a car rally - I can't remember what these cars are called but they are cute. I saw one that had a bumper sticker that said "my other transportation is a back pack"

The main square:

Cool door knockers:

This is the first place in Italy where I have seen a "no dog" sign at the post office. I will be summarizing my "dog travels" in a separate blog but for sure Rome is the least dog-friendly place I have been. Besides not getting on the tour bus or in the local grocery store, I have gone in a few places with Seymour and although no one has said anything, I see "the look". Often they are too polite to say anything.

After roaming around this area for a few hours, we headed back to the apartment to make a late lunch and relax. Tomorrow I may get back to the Colosseum area. Since I went to St Peter's Square and toured the Vatican last time, I will probably skip it this trip.

Last night, as I was coughing in bed, I heard someone in the next apartment doing the same thing. The walls are thin here - and it seems that I am not the only one with "the crud" in Rome :)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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