Sunday, July 17, 2011

Montepulciano, Italy

I have started doing a little research on our trip to Italy. My language school is in Montepulciao, Italy (where they will allow me to bring Seymour to class) and I wanted to find out a little more about the city since we will be there for 4 weeks. Here are some interesting facts I've found:

Twilight Saga: New Moon used Montepulciano as the City of Volterra,the city where the Volturi live. I'm a Twilight fan so I can't wait see where they filmed!

Montepulciano is a major producer of food and drink. Montepulciano is known world-wide for its fabulous wine. Wine connoisseurs consider its Vino Nobile among Italy's best. I am glad that I won't have a car. I just have to be careful not to drop the wine - or Seymour!

Montepulciano is also known for its pork, cheese, "pici" pasta (a thick, rough, chewy variant on spaghetti), lentils, and honey. So much for thinking I'll lose weight because we will be walking most places! Seymour is a big cheese fan so he may end up gaining a bit of weight, himself. He will have to be careful, though, because some of the hotels limit pets by weight - under 10 pounds, usually. He's at 7 pounds 4 ounces right now!

The trip is feeling more real. I think I need to start doing a little more planning. We do have 3 months there and I don't want to miss anything important!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I ran across this posting as I am also planning a 3 month trip to Montepulciano next year to study at Il Sasso. Do you have any tips or advice to offer on bringing pets oversees? I plan to do some traveling around Italy with my dog as well. Any advice you have would be much appreciated!
