Friday, March 6, 2015

A Little More Improvement

Little by little, I see improvements in Seymour. This morning I took him and his sister out to the back yard while I checked on plants. Soon I heard his sister
Zooey barking and then I heard a noise like a goose flying over. It was Seymour's first attempt at barking. Unfortunately, he was facing the opposite way from Zooey, so he still is having hearing location problems, but it's a start. I might have wanted the barking to come back a little later.

He has been using his tail to help balance him when he walks but it has always been pointing downward. Yesterday I saw him lift his tail horizontally to his body. He can't lift it up further yet but he is getting there.

He seems to understand basic commands like "lay down" and it takes him a little time to get down, but he does it. When I came back after being gone for about an hour this morning, he was waiting at the door for me.

So, Seymour continues to improve. I can't wait to see where he is functioning when he goes back for his check up next Thursday.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Wimberley, Texas


  1. It's good to see him making progress. BTW, after I've had a couple of margaritas I could use a tail to help me balance, too.

  2. G- you always make me laugh. It is especially needed at this time! S-
